Friday, October 26, 2007

Week 7 : post 17..High tech decade.

On the cutting edge of technology..Fire fighters in California using aerial images sent by NASA to direct their fire fighting efforts..Twitter blogs giving up to date information on evacuations,meeting points to the local residents affected by the fires...innocent people exonerated of their crime due to DNA analysis and vice versa..use of robotics , artifial limbs for the war wounded..instant info at your fingertips.
Power outages.loss of data ..trouble in the HORIZON? Its all part of the technology package.BUT the tenacity of the staff working behind the scenes..the happy smile of a child as she picks up her bk from the hold shelf ..the look of wonder as she uses the self check out machine and then hugs her book..Priceless!!

Week 7 : Post

As with any info that can be edited , there has to be a cautious approach to the authenticity of the material. When I saw that the library success wiki had an update to prevent vandalism I thought that was proof enough that all precautions are being taken to maintain its reputation. I see it as a useful tool regarding sharing ideas between between libraries, and the communities input as long as guidelines are followed.Having added my blog to the favorite blogs I was taken by surprise by all the e-mails regarding the updates..overall it did make an interesting read.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Week 6 / Post 15..To the square of 2.0 ?

Since the Web 2.0 is here to stay ...we shouldn't be too surprised that the library services are rapidly adapting to the technology incorporated in it. I found some of the comments in the articles quite true,quoting the librarian blogger "who says that the future of the libraries will be guided by how users access, consume and create content.. and redefining the word content to mean a conversation as well.. (I can very well see the surge in blogging..) users being able to create their own mashups etc..and the final statement sums it all "able to help users become their own programming director for all the content available to them" end quote..
As far as I can see I have been initiated into the technology world by enrolling myself in the ihcpl training session.. keep an open mind to new proactive in educating myself..

What?? Is that Library 3.0 lurking in the shadows???

Week 6 / Post 14..Technorati

For starters I didn't register with technorati as I was already overwhelmed with the blogging info. I can see it as useful tool for anyone interested in getting their opinions / agendas across..probably trying to influence the outcome of the political scene too..Browsing thru the blogposts for learning 2.0 I was impressed to see all posts leading to Web 2.0.I can see that if I dont' want to be left behind I need to jump on the bandwagon!
I can see the impact it is having on education and the classroom..I was surprised at the amt of time I spent just reading...was I being snared in the spiders web!!
It sure is a poweful publishing tool..everything seems so interconnected..there were comparatively fewer blogs tagged and in the blog directory than the overall blog posts..I did find some interesting reads..
Regarding the popular blog searches and videos ..I didn't relate to any of them!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week 6 / post 13...tagging along...

When I first went for the ihcpl preview and the speaker talked about delicious, it just went over my head. Now that I have registered an account "I can see clearly now.." as the song goes. I have added a few websites and seen the various tags that people have added. As age catches up with me and when I find myself short of words it sure helps to see all those tags and sure enough something clicks!!
I see it definetly as a refrence/research tool. Its accessiblilty not dependent on location is obviously an asset too.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 5/ post 12..Library Elf...No small matter!

Library services seem to be getting faster, better by the day..Loved the multiple account info.. and renewal options right from the e-mail thru the hcpl login..Will wait for my notice ..

I did get back on my e-mail ..signed with hcpl and renewed my item..
Very convenient. The elf is pretty nifty. Gave one listing of all my items, due dates , calender ,holds in waiting and even a review on one of my checked out items..

The question of the day...Will HCPL be able to add that feature down the road ??

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week 5 / post 11 ..a library.thing

I added a few of my all time favorite bks. It was easy to use and self explanatory..

Added a widget too..

Monday, October 8, 2007

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Week 4/ Post 9 ...Full from feeds already!

I think I literally had my fill of feeds!!. Once I got the hang of it I just kept on adding them..didnt seem to know when to stop..I added some newsfeeds from my home town which I was quite happy about. I was fascinated by how quickly everything was being updated..All the newsfeeds I added were through the bloglines search. Am going to try the feedster later.
Adding the widget through feedster was the highlight of the assignment for me.. I enjoyed the end result..I picked gardening tips to help me salvage my weed ridden yard..

Monday, October 1, 2007

Week 4 / Post 8 (RSS FEEDS)

Today I added quite a few feeds with the help of much information at my fingertips is quite mind boggling or is it mind blogging!!

I picked a news ,cooking,health,weather feeds and some of my library friends blogs to name a few.Will try to get back to them at my leisure..